USA vs. China Ways (9.0)

David W Wang
7 min readAug 26, 2021

Will Taiwan Become the Next Afghanistan?

The ongoing Afghanistan blunder made by the Biden administration may have many reverberations across the world in days, months and years to come. The so call Taiwan Issue will be on the top of the list.

It’s amazing to see President Biden in recent press conferences has kept swaying the topic away from the target. He just wanted to talk about the right or wrong on the decision he made on the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan, while the world and U.S. public focus is really on how his administration failed to have a sound and comprehensive exit plan in place, and consequently failed to handle the pullout process right. Instead, the so called withdrawal is becoming chaos and even catastrophe as we speak.

On the other hand, the Taiwan Issue refers to the long standing rival between mainland China and Taiwan — an island off the China east sea coast. Historically when the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) seized the power in the mainland in 1949, the then incumbent Kuomintang government fled to Taiwan.

Since then both sides have claimed their government represents the sovereignty of China. The mainland’s position is they hope for a peaceful reunification with Taiwan, meanwhile won’t give up achieving the reunification by force.



David W Wang

Based in Washington DC metro, a senior analyst and columnist on US-China relations and political cultures. Best-seller Publication: Decoding Dragon’s Mindset